How much do you charge per hour?

We don’t.
We charge a flat rate per project based on your individual needs and the scope of the project.
So there’s no dragging on of hours, no guessing, just a flat rate.

how much will my project cost?

It’s up to you!
We tailor scribbles to your needs. Not everyone needs a three course meal (or a billboard sized Scribble). Wherever possible, we will present you with multiple options of what can be done, so you’ll be able to decide on the right option for you and your story.

Can i get a discount?

If you’re a small business, a Non-For-Profit, a locally owned business or if your project is about making this world a better place, we have a discount for you. Contact us to find out more!

what’s the difference between raster and vector?

Raster (or Pixel) Based design are designs which are created using pixels in programs like Adobe Photoshop, Procreate and Clip Studio Paint . In essence these are great, natural feeling (and looking) ways of producing graphics.
So what’s the downside? Well, just like a photo, if you try and resize a raster design for a larger or smaller format than it was intended, it will blur or become noisy. If you’re designing to a specification or know that you’re going to use the design for the web or social media, this might be a great option for you! If you’re looking for something that you can resize at will, Vector designs might be just what you’re looking for!

Vector designs are designs that are done in software (like Adobe illustrator and Affinity Designer) which use some really intense math to plot out your design in a way that makes them infinitely resizable without losing any quality. So if you’re planning on using your Scribble for a business card and the side of a building… you’re going to want a vector design.
Okay, so what are the downsides of vector designs?
Vector designs are incredibly precise and tidy, often this means that they lack a bit of the ‘hand-drawn’ vibe that comes across more in raster based design. The software itself required for vector designs is also quite expensive and this makes the designs in general more expensive. However, a vector design that you plan to use for multiple things might still be a more affordable option than three or four raster designs.

Don’t worry, we will work with you to help you discern your needs when it comes to raster or vector designs!.

can you design my logo?

As you’ve probably seen by now, SamsScribble has a unique style of illustration that works well for illustrated logo’s and mascots. While this may work for a lot of logo’s and mascots, it isn’t for everyone. So, if you’re looking for a super minimal and sleek logo with fancy typography, SamsScribble might not be the best place for you! However, if you’re wanting an illustrated logo that is creative and fun, reach out and let’s chat!


can you design my website?

In short, no.
At SamsScribble we are experts in what we do and we stick to our realm of expertise so that we are always delivering value to you and doing justice to your story.

What if i am after something that isn’t mentioned on the website?

We are always up for challenges!
Feel free to contact us and we can discuss how we can serve you and your story!

are there any ADDITIONAL costs?

While we price at a fixed rate, there may be additional costs associated with your project such as additional concept work(s), a rush fee or a change in the scope of the work. This will be discussed with you so that you’ll always be aware of the costs involved in your project.

Do I have to pay up front?

At Samsscribble we generally ask for a 50% deposit to be paid and cleared before starting work on the project with the rest to be paid (including any additional costs accrued) before the finals are sent through to you. However, this can sometimes be flexible depending on your needs.

How do you send my files and what format are they in?

Thanks to our friends at WeTransfer, you get a link emailed to you which contains all of your files for you to download! It’s quick, easy and straightforward!

The file formats are usually sent in either JPEG, PNG (with Transparent background) or EPS. I provide full labels for you within your finals folder.